Trip information

Departure: Parkstone, England
Arrival: Cosham, England
Fastest route: 2h 36min
Distance: 69km
Cheapest route: £20.1
Transfers: 2
Bus companies: National Express

Cheap bus schedules leaving on Friday

One Passenger / One Trip


Parkstone, England

Parkstone Bus Stop (St John's Church)


Cosham, England

Cosham Bus Stop (opp Health Centre)

3h 21min

++ 2 layovers



Parkstone, England

Parkstone Bus Stop (St John's Church)


Bournemouth, England

Coach Station

0h 15min

National Express


0h 50min layover


Bournemouth, England

Coach Station


Portsmouth, England

Portsmouth Bus Stop F - The Hard Interchange

1h 45min

National Express


0h 15min layover


Portsmouth, England

Portsmouth Bus Stop F - The Hard Interchange


Cosham, England

Cosham Bus Stop (opp Health Centre)

0h 16min

National Express



Parkstone, England

Parkstone Bus Stop (St John's Church)


Cosham, England

Cosham Bus Stop (opp Health Centre)

2h 36min

++ 2 layovers



Parkstone, England

Parkstone Bus Stop (St John's Church)


Bournemouth, England

Coach Station

0h 15min

National Express


0h 5min layover


Bournemouth, England

Coach Station


Portsmouth, England

Portsmouth Bus Stop F - The Hard Interchange

1h 45min

National Express


0h 15min layover


Portsmouth, England

Portsmouth Bus Stop F - The Hard Interchange


Cosham, England

Cosham Bus Stop (opp Health Centre)

0h 16min

National Express



Traveling from Parkstone to Cosham by bus

First departure
Avg price
Last arrival

Bus information Parkstone - Cosham

The Parkstone - Cosham route has approximately 2 frequencies and its minimum duration is around 2h 36min. It is important you book your ticket in advance to avoid running out, since £20.1 tickets tend to run out quickly.
The distance between Parkstone and Cosham is around 69 kilometers and the bus companies that can help you in your journey are: National Express.
Remember that the number of transfers to be made will be at least 2 so in some cases you should book the tickets separately.

  • Trips per day 2
  • Direct trips 0

How long does it take to get from Parkstone to Cosham by bus?

Bus journey may vary depending on the state of the roads. The minimum duration is usually around 2h 36min to cover 69 kilometers.

I'm looking for cheap tickets for this route ...

According to our data, the cheapest ticket costs £20.1 and leaves Parkstone Bus Stop (St John's Church). If you decide to make this journey you will have to do 2 stops before reaching Cosham Bus Stop (opp Health Centre).

  • Avg duration 2h 58min
  • Cheapest price £20.1

What time does the last bus leave?

Last bus leaves at 05:10 from Parkstone Bus Stop (St John's Church) and arrives at 07:46 at Cosham Bus Stop (opp Health Centre). It will take 2h 36min, its price is £21 and the number of changes will be 2.

Are there any direct routes between Parkstone and Cosham?

We do not have direct routes in our database. The minimum number of transfers will be 2 and the total duration of the trip will be approximately 3h 21min.

  • Last bus 05:10
  • Transfers 2

What are the bus stations in Parkstone?

  • Parkstone Bus Stop (St John's Church)
    392 Ashley Road
    Parkstone BH14 0AP

What are the bus stations in Cosham?

  • Cosham Bus Stop (opp Health Centre)
    Northern Road, Stop D
    Portsmouth PO6
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