Bus schedules to Makaraka

One Passenger / One Trip





Makaraka, Gisborne


0h 8min




Sycamore Lodge (Gisborne) Bus Stop


Makaraka, Gisborne


0h 3min


Bus tickets to Makaraka, Gisborne

City: Makaraka, Gisborne
Daily arrivals: 2
Bus stations Makaraka
Connections: 1
Avg price: $10

How much is a bus ticket to Makaraka?

The price of the ticket varies a lot depending on the city from where it comes. The average ticket price to Makaraka is $10.

From which cities can I get?

There are many cities from which you can reach Makaraka by bus. Some of them are Gisborne (Gisborne). If you need more information, you can use our search engine.

What bus companies operate?

The bus company that operates in Makaraka is . One of its journeys, for example, is Gisborne Makaraka. Its price is approximately $10 and it takes 0h 8min. We recommend that you book your ticket in advance.

What are the bus stations in Makaraka?

The Makaraka bus station is Makaraka. Many buses arrive to this station from cities like Gisborne (Gisborne). The schedule and the price depend a lot on the city. You can find for example bus tickets for the route Gisborne Makaraka from $10.

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